Accounting Services Request Bookkeeping Services Request Nombre de la Empresa: * Company Name Fecha de Inicio del Negocio (mm/dd/yyyy): * Business Start Date Industria y Producto/Servicio Principal: * Industry & Principal Product/Service Persona de Contacto Principal: * Principal Decision-Making Contact Teléfono * Phone Correo Electrónico * Email Plataforma de Contabilidad Actual: * Current Accounting Platform Año/Versión del Programa: Program Year/Version Fecha de Último Estado Financiero: * Last financial statements date ¿Libros Cerrados?: * Yes No Books Closed? ¿Esta al día con sus impuestos? * Yes No Up to date with tax returns? ¿Tiene empleados y/o subcontratistas?: * Yes No Do you have employees and/or subcontractors? ¿Cuántos Empleados? * How Many Employees? ¿Con qué frecuencia necesita revisar los informes financieros?: Daily Semi-weekly Weekly Biweekly Monthly Quarterly Annually How often do you need to review financial reports? ¿Recoge Impuestos sobre las Ventas (Sales Tax)?: * Yes No Do you collect Sales Tax? Si ese es el caso, especifique en cuales Estados If so, Which States? ¿Cómo quiere llevar sus libros? * Cash-Basis Only Accrual-Basis Only Both Other/Hybrid Seleccione cuáles de los siguientes servicios quiere incluir: Creating/Recording Estimates and/or Sales Orders Creating Invoices Creating Purchase Orders Receiving Inventory Making Inventory Adjustments Creating Bills (Accounts Payable) Paying Bills with checks (previously entered) Preparing or approving timesheets Preparing Paychecks Paying payroll liabilities Filling state and federal payroll forms Paying sales tax liabilities and/or preparing sales tax forms Marking previously entered bills as paid using manual checks or electronic payments Writing and/or Printing Checks Entering bank transactions and Reconciling Bank Account(s) Entering credit card transactions and Reconciling Credit Card Account(s): Creating or Querying Custom Reports: Consulting Standard Financial Reports Select which of the following services you want to include Envíenos una copia de un estado de cuenta bancario Upload a copy of a bank statement Choose File Maximum file size: 67.11MB Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.